Neumiller & Beardslee has, since 1974, prepared Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) for the governance of all types of residential and commercial developments, including condominiums, townhouse and planned developments. In the area of residential subdivisions, this work has included hundreds of developments containing tens of thousands of houses and condominiums units. The Firm has specialized in the creation of master-planned communities containing lakes, golf courses and clubhouses, commercial components and other amenities. The Firm has created attached housing projects and zero-lot-line housing projects and mixed-use projects. The Firm has also created numerous senior communities. In the commercial area the Firm has set up medical and office condominiums, commercial and office parks, shopping centers and industrial subdivisions. The Firm also prepares the documentation and forms the owners’ associations for both residential and commercial developments. As part of this work the Firm when desirable creates “builder restrictions” governing the activities of homebuilders who are developing portions of master planned communities and also prepares the necessary documentation required by Cities and Counties for the maintenance of improvements within public rights of way. The Firm provides assistance with public report filings with the Department of Real Estate and prepares associated subsidy agreements, subdivision sales agreements and other required documentation. Attorneys with the Firm are active on both the California Building Industry Department of Real Estate Committee and the American Bar Association Real Property Section committee on Common Interest Developments.